Declaring an array:
There are two ways you can assign values to an array. The first is to assign the values individually by specify the index of the array inside a square bracket. The index is the position of element in the array. Index starts with 0.
string[] names = new string[5];
Or you can initialize and populate the array at the same time, like the example below.
names[0] = "George";
names[1] = "James";
names[2] = "Arthur";
names[3] = "Eric";
names[4] = "Jennifer";
You don't have to specify the size of the array if you initialize during the declaration, C# is smart enough to figure out the array size from the initialization. You can loop through an array with a foreach loop
string[] names = new string[]{"George","James","Arthur","Eric","Jennifer"};
Or a for loop
foreach(string n in names)
Response.Write(n + "");
for(int i=0; i < names.Length;i++)
Response.Write(n + "");
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